EcoRover Chairs Announces Tailored Mobility Unlimited as Dealer in Oklahoma

Owner / Founder Jake Hunter makes these opening comments on the Facebook page of his new company.  Contact Jake at

“Just wanted to introduce myself and new business, my name is Jake.

This may be a new business, but it's an experienced team and background.

As someone who has been using alternative methods for mobility for over 14 years, I know the importance of not just wanting to get back to where I used to go but NEEDING to. Getting back to living and feeling free again is important not just physically but mentally.

It's no secret that pharmaceuticals and handicap equipment are incredibly expensive. Therefore, ever since my accident that left me to using wheelchairs, I have purchased nearly all my equipment second hand and performed all my own maintenance and repairs with the help of my father. So, this has compelled us to want to help more than the large corporate chains do. The goal is to have more personable experiences since we have more relatable obstacles.

We have custom tailored all the equipment that I use to fit my personal needs, from wheelchairs, ATV's, UTV's and vehicles. We try and think outside the box, to adapt equipment as best suited as possible.

To sum up, our vision is not only sales, but Tailored Mobility Unlimited will also include service, rental, and custom tailoring of equipment. We are also going to be reaching out to parks, VA's, lakes, etc., around the state of Oklahoma. We want to make accessibility accessible!

We have become a dealer of an awesome off-road track chair (more info to come as soon as our demo arrives).

We want to get more people back out there!

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for the future!

"What Moves You?”



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